Saturday, November 05, 2005

let there be light.. for everyone...


Blogger Sreejith Narayanan said...

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4:08 AM  
Blogger Sreejith Narayanan said...

hey i saw this in one of my friends blog.. he says, ppl start blogging either when they are in love or when they are writing cat.. how abt u :P?

4:09 AM  
Blogger GaUtHaM KriSHnaN said...

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7:07 PM  
Blogger GaUtHaM KriSHnaN said...

hmmm.. nice question.. but this came out of a mixed reaction... and the reason for that is neither love nor cat... wil post it on my nxt post... k? buddy?

7:12 PM  
Blogger Jah said...

Power cutta ?

3:08 PM  

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